Cleaning Your Pool Area This Winter
Feb 20, 2023

When winter sets in and you find yourself using your pool less than usual, you might be inclined to avoid your pool space altogether. Choosing to ignore your pool area isn’t a great idea though, as mess and debris can quickly build up, leaving you with lots to do when the weather warms up and you want to be back in the pool on a regular basis.

You’ll find it’s easier on you to stay on top of the backyard jobs that need doing, to ensure your pool area is ready for use when you’re ready. Below, we list some jobs worth doing in winter to prepare your pool and its surrounds for fun times ahead.

A Chemical Clean-Up

Cleaning up the pool chemicals you’ve collected over time is worth doing before you welcome your swim season. Carry out a stocktake of the chemicals and cleaning products to determine if there’s any you can get rid of (always refer to the disposal instructions on the packaging), and any you need to re-order to keep your pool in sparkling condition. Remember to keep your pool chemicals and cleaning products locked away in a shed or garage, so that children and pets can’t come into contact with them.

Tidying Pool Toys

If you have kids or love to entertain in and around your pool, you’ve probably collected a veritable smorgasbord of pool toys and inflatables, but do you know where they all are? It’s easy for these items to end up in the garden, or to be left beside the pool (with the hope of getting back into the water soon). But if no one returns for a swim, those pool toys and inflatables are left out in the elements, allowing them to become damaged. Save yourself the hassle of paying for new pool toys and inflatables each swim season by properly storing them after each swim session. Keep them away from chemicals and cleaning products, and ensure they are stored somewhere where they won’t be a tripping hazard.

Get the Garden Under Control

We’ve all been there – winter arrives, and we leave the lawn and garden untouched, meaning we have a jungle to deal with later on. You can avoid that situation by staying on top of the gardening; mowing the lawn when you can, pulling the weeds out and pruning any bushes or plants that need it. By doing this every now and again throughout winter, you will prevent garden debris making its way into your pool area. Some plants can stain unsealed pavers, so it’s important to be aware of what’s planted near to your pool space. If you have a pool cover, keep it on while you’re mowing or pruning, to prevent debris entering your pool. Tip: When it comes to gardening and lawn-mowing, it’s a good idea to check the forecast and plan around it, to avoid undoing all your hard work if heavy rainfall or strong winds are predicted.

Odd Jobs to Organise

After you’ve dealt with the garden, you might observe other jobs that need doing around your pool. For example, if you have glass pool fences, they might need to be cleaned. If you’ve got pavers around your swimming pool, consider if they need to be re-sealed. Check your poolside accessories (pool umbrellas, deck chairs, tables, etc.) for any signs of damage, and remember to give your deck chairs a hose down before the family returns to the pool, as spiders can hide underneath them!

Your wintertime poolside clean-up will give you plenty to smile about, come springtime. As soon as the weather starts heating up, you’ll be thanking yourself for getting the time-consuming backyard chores sorted long before.

Haven’t got a pool yet but intrigued by the idea of summer with a wonderful new backyard addition? You can start the process by arranging a free quote with your local Narellan Pools Builder. Your dedicated local pool builder will be there to support you along the journey to the pool you’ve always wanted. With Narellan Pools, you’re supported by a reliable and experienced team, so you know you’re in good hands.

Before your on-site consultation, check out our Gallery to find inspiration for your own pool and pool area. With a huge selection of images that show how Narellan Pools clients have transformed their yards with our fibreglass pools, you’ll definitely be impressed!

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