Why Choose a Fibreglass Swimming Pool Instead of a Concrete Pool?
Mar 7, 2023

There have been significant advances in fibreglass pool building technology and in the materials we use. Narellan Pools are very proud of the continued investment in new technologies, materials and manufacturing processes to ensure we continue to produce the most advanced fibreglass swimming pools possible. The quality and popularity of fibreglass pools are reflected in the growing number of Narellan Pools that can be found not only in Australian homes but right across the world. It is reported that over 60% of new pools installed globally are fibreglass.

There are many reasons why fibreglass can be a better choice than concrete. Here are the top 6:

1. Speed – Installing a fibreglass pool has many advantages, but speed has to be one of the most enticing ones. Pool installation is generally completed within a week… whereas concrete pools can take up to 12 times that. (It’s not too late for a pool this summer!).

2. Price – In most cases, fibreglass pools will be less expensive than concrete pools. It is simple economics. Concrete pools take longer to build, require more materials and more labour, and generally result in higher costs that are often passed onto the client.

3. Feel – Fibreglass pools are covered in an ultra-smooth gel coat, which gives swimmers a better feel underfoot and less risk of kids scraping themselves on a rougher surface. There are no uneven tiles, which may result in sharp edges or even pop off over time. Fibreglass provides a smooth finish and a wide variety of colour choices.

4. Choice – Whether you have a big or small space, in most cases you will find a fibreglass pool to fit. If you would like a pool in the shape of your initials then your only choice is concrete, otherwise, you can find a fibreglass pool design to bring your dream backyard to life.

5. Flexibility – Many people believe that buying a fibreglass pool means they have to limit their options, but that is not the case. When you buy a fibreglass pool you can choose your water quality; chlorine, salt, or mineral. You also have the choice of additions such as; infinity or vanishing edges, spas or wading pools, and water features like deck jets or waterfalls, or a combination of all of them.

6. Warranty – Buying a fibreglass pool is peace of mind. Both concrete and fibreglass pools will give you a construction warranty, which varies between 6 and 7 years depending on the state legislation. The benefit of fibreglass is that you also get a Lifetime Warranty (in-ground installation) on the shell.

So with six compelling reasons why fibreglass is better, it’s an easy choice. The next question you might want to answer is ‘how much?’ Please contact one of our experienced pool builders in your local area and they will be happy to give you a free quote and talk to you about how we can bring your dream to life with a fibreglass swimming pool.

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